Ph.D. Program

Preparing Nurse Science Leaders

Our Ph.D. program integrates science, theory, and research to educate the next generation of nurse scientists, educators, policy-makers, and practitioners. 

Application Deadline

January 15 

Financial Support


The Connell School fully funds every full-time Ph.D. student’s tuition, fees, and insurance for three years.

At a Glance

How many courses?

Most students take 21 courses (48 total credits). 

How long will it take?

Students typically complete the program in 4 years. 

When can I start?

The program begins in the fall semester.



Fall Semester

CourseCourse TitleCredit
Philosophical Inquiry for Knowledge Development in Nursing 3
Strategies for Knowledge Development in Nursing3
NURS9808Research Design and Methods I3
NURS9810Responsible Conduct of Research1

Spring Semester

CourseCourse TitleCredit
Integrative Review for Nursing Science                                 3
Research Design and Methods II 3
NURSXXXXIntermediate Statistics3

Fall Semester

CourseCourse TitleCredit
Advanced Qualitative Research Methods3
Research Seminar: Developing the Purpose, Aims & Questions2
 Cognate / elective or Advanced Statistics3
 Cognate / elective or Advanced Research Methods3

Spring Semester

CourseCourse TitleCredit
Healthcare Policy & Social Justice3
Research Seminar: Refining the Research Plan2
Ph.D. Comprehensive Examination1
 Cognate / Elective or Advanced Statistics3
 Cognate / Elective or Advanced Research Methods3

Fall Semester

CourseCourse TitleCredit
NURS9902Dissertation Advisement3
Cognate, Elective or Teaching Course  

Spring Semester

CourseCourse TitleCredit
NURS9903Dissertation Advisement3
Cognate, Elective or Teaching Course  

Each Semester Until Graduation

CourseCourse TitleCredit
Doctoral Continuation

Featured Faculty

Andrew Dwyer

Andrew Dwyer, Ph.D., FNP-BC, FNAP, FAAN

Throughout your CSON journey, 您将与致力于您的成功的专业教师一起工作,并将为您影响医疗保健和护理科学做好准备.
Andrew Dwyer, Associate Professor

Our Students

CSON's Ph.D. 该计划吸引了来自各种背景和电子游戏正规平台兴趣的学生.

CSON Doctoral Student Research

Our Ph.D. 学生经常在受人尊敬的论坛上发表电子游戏正规平台成果,并获得著名奖项, 包括入选美国护理学会,并被命名为乔纳斯护理卓越学者中心.

Learn about CSON Research

CSON provides an atmosphere of academic rigor. 老师们非常支持我,是我的良师益友. 被这么多受人尊敬的护士、科学家和教育家包围真是令人鼓舞.
Lauren Pfeifer, Doctoral Student

Recent Dissertation Topics

News from the Connell School

Opportunities at the Connell School

Graduate Nurses’ Association

GNA促进专业发展机会并赞助社会活动, 将你与你的同学联系起来,并为CSON电子游戏正规平台生社区发声.

Keys to Inclusive Leadership in Nursing

窑计划帮助学生最大限度地发挥他们的领导潜力, 准备他们在日益多元文化的社会中提供护理服务, and nurtures their ability to create positive social change.

Global Trips




Program Eiligibility

  • 在国家认可的大学获得护理或相关领域的硕士学位
  • 已修完统计学课程(不接受AP学分)
  • A current RN license



Fall Enrollment
January 15

Application & Deadlines

Apply Now


  • Minimum GPA of 3.5
  • Research experience, written clarity in area of research, 与申请人所描述的、由博士决定的教员电子游戏正规平台或方法相匹配.D. committee
  • Publications preferred, as listed on curriculum vitae
  • 优秀的写作,课程论文样本,或申请人提交的手稿
  • Leadership/leadership potential


  • January 15

Résumé or CV

To be uploaded to your online Application Form.

除了你的学历和相关工作经验之外, please include any licenses currently held, any social justice-related experience, any language skills other than English, and any research experience or publications.

Goal Statement & Writing Sample

1. Goal Statetment

请提交一份目标陈述,这将作为你的教育目标的信息来源,并作为你的写作能力的样本. 目标陈述应该用打字机打出来(双倍行距),长度不超过四页.

Goal Statement Prompt & Guidelines

2. Evidence of Scholarly Writing

这个项目的所有申请者都需要提交一份证明电子游戏正规平台生水平写作能力的作品. This document may be an academic term paper, a published work in which you are the primary author, a training manual that you have created, a clinical case formulation, or another representative sample of your writing.

Letters of Recommendation

Three letters of recommendation:
  • A current or recent employer, preferably a nurse with a Ph.D. or a professional colleague
  • 最近与你有过学术交流的教授,他可以评估你在博士学习方面的潜力和在你期望的电子游戏正规平台领域的表现
  • 一个不是你的亲属并且非常熟悉你的专业准备和临床实践的人
  • Letters of recommendation must be submitted electronically. 当您通过申请系统注册您的推荐作者时, 他们将立即收到一封带有电子参考表格链接的电子邮件. For this reason, 我们建议您在通过在线申请注册之前联系您的推荐人.
  • 推荐人可以选择上传Word或PDF格式的支持信.
  • 如果你希望你的推荐人在完成网上申请前收到电子表格, 您可以直接进入申请表上的“推荐信”链接,在填写表格的其余部分之前注册您的推荐信.
  • 你可以重新登录你的申请,查看哪些信件已经收到, as well as to send reminder emails to your references.


官方成绩单是首选,但在申请时不需要. If admitted, official transcripts will be required.

Official digital transcripts can be sent to


Boston College
Graduate Nursing Office
Maloney Hall - 2nd Floor
140 Commonwealth Avenue
Chestnut Hill, MA 02467

*如果成绩单上的姓氏与申请姓名不符,请联系 after submitting the application. 

Standardized Tests


Institutional code 3062


Supplemental Forms

Based on the answers you provide in your application, 你可能需要以下一份或多份表格来完成申请:

International Students

  • Official transcript(s) evaluation (by the Commission on Graduate Foreign Nursing Schools or World Education Services),由你曾就读的所有专上院校提供
  • CGFNS examination results
  • NCLEX-RN examination results/RN licensure
  • 母语不是英语的学生需要官方托福(英语水平证明)分数. The following scores indicate minimum score requirements: 100 on the TOEFL iBT (internet-based test); 7.5 on the IELTS Band (academic); 600 or greater on the paper-based test; or 250 on the CBT test (computer-based test). Please request that your scores be sent to the William F. 康奈尔护理电子游戏正规平台生院,在指定区域使用我们的机构代码3062. Student copies or photocopies of TOEFL are not accepted.
    • 你可以从许多美国学校获得托福申请表和考试日期的信息.S. consulates, USIA centers, and TOEFL centers overseas by writing to: TOEFL Registration, CN 6152, Princeton, New Jersey 08541 USA, or
    • 如果你满足以下两个条件,托福成绩是不需要的:你是美国公民, Australia, Canada (except Quebec), Great Britain, Ireland, New Zealand, Guyana, an anglophone country of Africa, 或者加勒比海的一个说英语的国家,并且你的母语是英语.

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