Master’s Program


In our master's program, 你将与具有不同教育背景的学生一起成为一名富有同情心的人, 以证据为基础的护士领袖,具备推进患者护理所需的技能. 我们的课程和支持性项目反映了我们对社会正义的承诺,以及对每个学生和患者内在价值的信念. 

Application Deadline

  • Early decision for Fall enrollment — Sept. 15 
  • Fall enrollment — Dec. 15 

Pathways to Entry

我们提供三种途径获得高级通才护理学硕士学位, based on your current level of education.

如果你是一名拥有护理学士学位的注册护士,我们的 master's program will p准备好迎接最紧迫的医疗挑战. 

Program Eligibility

  • An undergraduate grade point average of B or better
  • 已修完统计学课程(不接受AP学分)
  • A current RN license to practice nursing



  • Courses: 11
  • Credits: 32

如果你在护理以外的领域获得学士学位,我们的 direct entry master's program 会让你成为一名高技能的注册护士吗.

Program Eligibility

  • 获得认可的学院或大学的学士学位或更高的学位
  • 本科GPA(或本科和电子游戏正规平台生GPA的总和)至少为3分.0
  • Completion of prerequisite courses

* Note: GRE is preferred but not required for application. 




  • Courses: 19
  • Credits: 58

如果你是一名积极进取的注册护士,拥有护理副学士学位,希望最大限度地提高你的经验和你在以前的护理项目中获得的学分, this master's program 能帮助你把你的专业知识转化为一名高级实习护士的职业吗.

Program Eligibility

  • 获得国家认可的护理专业的副学士学位
  • Approximately 112 course credits; 42 in general education, and 70 in specialty knowledge related to nursing 
  • An undergraduate grade point average of B or better
  • 已修完统计学课程(不接受AP学分)
  • A current RN license to practice nursing


  • Courses: Min. of 11
  • Credits: Min. of 32

Clinical Placements


  • Addiction Treatment Center of New England
  • Atrius Health
  • Beth Israel Lahey Health
  • Boston Children's Hospital
  • Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program
  • Boston Medical Center
  • Brigham and Women's Hospital
  • Cristo Rey Boston High School
  • Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
  • Dimock Center
  • Fenway Health
  • Franciscan Children's
  • Hebrew SeniorLife
  • Joslin Diabetes Center
  • McLean Hospital
  • Shriners Children's Boston
  • Signature Healthcare
  • South Boston Community Health Center
  • Spaulding Rehabilitation Network
  • VA Boston Healthcare System

Featured Faculty

Patricia Tabloski

Patricia Tabloski, Ph.D., GNP-BC, FGSA, FAAN

我对老年学和姑息治疗的兴趣推动了我的电子游戏正规平台, teaching, and publications for more than 30 years. 我非常感谢有机会与有相似兴趣的人分享我的知识和经验.
Patricia Tabloski, Associate Professsor

Financial Aid

康奈尔学院和电子游戏软件提供多种机会资助电子游戏正规平台生教育. CSON电子游戏正规平台生通过内部和外部来源获得经济援助,包括奖学金, fellowships, grants, teaching and research assistantships, and tuition remission.


我们硕士课程的毕业生在医疗机构工作,为各种患者群体提供服务, including:

  • Boston Children's Hospital
  • Boston Medical Center
  • Codman Square Health Center
  • Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
  • East Boston Neighborhood Health Center
  • Harvard Vanguard Medical Associates
  • Massachusetts General Hospital
  • New England Baptist Hospital (Boston)
  • Newton-Wellesley Hospital (Newton, MA)
  • St. Vincent Hospital (Worcester, MA)

Master's Program Outcomes





Opportunities at the Connell School

Graduate Nurses’ Association

GNA促进专业发展机会并赞助社会活动, 将你与你的同学联系起来,并为CSON电子游戏正规平台生社区发声.

Keys to Inclusive Leadership in Nursing

窑计划帮助学生最大限度地发挥他们的领导潜力, 准备他们在日益多元文化的社会中提供护理服务, 培养他们创造积极社会变革的能力.

Global Trips




Application & Deadlines

Apply Now

A non-refundable application fee of $75 is required.


  • Early decision for Fall enrollment — Sept. 15 
  • Fall enrollment — Dec. 15 

Résumé or CV

Please limit to two pages. 

Goal Statement

请回答下面列出的与你的目标相关的两个提示. 回复应该用打字机打出来,双倍行距,数量限制在1个以内.5 pages for each prompt. 论文对招生委员会的审议非常重要, allowing them to assess your personal goals, 你选择高级护理实践作为职业的原因, your commitment to the profession of nursing, and your writing ability.

Goal Statement Prompts and Guidelines

Letters of Recommendation

Two letters of recommendation:
  • 最近的雇主/主管对你的专业实践水平进行了评价.
  • 评估你在电子游戏正规平台生学习的潜力和在你期望的学习领域的表现的教授或导师.
  • Letters of recommendation must be submitted electronically. 当您通过申请系统注册您的推荐作者时, 他们将立即收到一封带有电子参考表格链接的电子邮件. For this reason, 我们建议您在通过在线申请注册之前联系您的推荐人.
  • 推荐人可以选择上传Word或PDF格式的支持信.
  • 如果你希望你的推荐人在完成网上申请前收到电子表格, 您可以直接进入申请表上的“推荐信”链接,在填写表格的其余部分之前注册您的推荐信.
  • 你可以重新登录你的申请,查看哪些信件已经收到, as well as to send reminder emails to your references.


官方成绩单是首选,但在申请时不需要. If admitted, official transcripts will be required.

Official digital transcripts can be sent to


Boston College
Graduate Nursing Office
Maloney Hall - 2nd Floor
140 Commonwealth Avenue
Chestnut Hill, MA 02467

*如果成绩单上的姓氏与申请姓名不符,请联系 after submitting the application. 

RN License

Please submit a copy of your RN license

Supplemental Forms

Based on the answers you provide in your application, 你可能需要以下一份或多份表格来完成申请:

International Students

  • Official transcript(s) evaluation (by the Commission on Graduate Foreign Nursing Schools or World Education Services),由你曾就读的所有专上院校提供
  • NCLEX-RN Examination results/RN licensure
  • Evidence of English Proficiency (TOEFL). 母语不是英语的学生需要官方托福成绩. The following scores indicate minimum score requirements: 100 on the TOEFL iBT (internet-based test); 7.5 on the IELTS Band (academic); 600 or greater on the paper-based test; or 250 on the CBT test (computer-based test). Please request that your scores be sent to the William F. 康奈尔护理电子游戏正规平台生院,在指定区域使用我们的机构代码3062. Student copies or photocopies of TOEFL are not accepted.
    • 你可以从许多美国学校获得托福申请表和考试日期的信息.S. consolates, USIA centers, 或海外托福中心,请致函:托福注册中心, CN 6152, Princeton, New Jersey 08541 USA, or
    • The TOEFL score is not required if you meet both 符合下列条件之一:你是美国公民,  Australia, Canada (except Quebec), Great Britain, Ireland, New Zealand, Guyana, an anglophone country of Africa, 或者加勒比海的一个说英语的国家,并且你的母语是英语.

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